Monday, January 08, 2007

Walking the Mall

OK so I finally did it and went for a walk round and round the Mall. I felt extremely silly but it is the only way to escape the ice and the biting wind and there are dozens of people doing it. 2 rounds of the Mall = 1 mile and I did 3. I will build up to 4. It is not the stamina - I could walk 4 easily but the embarassment factor that gets me. G missed the bus this morning and I had to drive her - neither of us really felt like negotiating the ice and the traffic to cross the road to where the big yellow bus stops. She came home on the bus, but I have to meet her because she can't find her way home. I have told her there are only 2 directions here in Idaho Falls - towards the mountains or away from - so she should get off the bus and walk away from the mountains. She still isn't getting it though. I think the embarassment factor (having Mum meet her) will soon get to her too.

1 comment:

Hazel W said...

Were you tempted to buy anything?