I am just back from 4 days in the mountains doing nothing but sewing - well almost nothing - we did eat and sleep and we went on a short shopping trip and a few of us went hiking but mostly we sewed and talked. My hiking partner A is a dangerous woman from Venezuela (not Argentina) who wrestles alligators and eats piranha. On finding fresh moose tracks she said 'lets go further on-we might see it'. Now I had been told to avoid the moose at all costs since they can be nasty - still I would really like to have seen one. Nevertheless we safely led 5 other quilters up the hillside and back to their sewing machines without incident. The lodge we stayed in was just beautifully situated on a bluff overlooking a creek and mountains on all sides. Here it is.
And did I get anything made? Well most of the blocks for an Oriental theme quilt featuring geisha in odd poses. I would post a picture but blogger is not letting me upload it. Perhaps next time.
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