Our lovely white rabbit, Fluffy, went to his new home today. He is 41/2 years old has problem teeth, one floppy ear and doesn't see very well but he is a really gorgeous rabbit and very affectionate. He has been a great companion while gardening. We hope my friend Hazel enjoys him as much as we have. Farewell Fluffy.
I am having a lovely time here with Hazel, Colin and Pete who all love cuddling me! I have nibbled some of their clothes (Only one nip here and there on their old clothes and a shoelace!)
My fur has got a bit thicker lately though the weather has not been too cold (12 gegrees on 2nd Feb) unlike where you are. It has been a bit frosty again at nights though.
I am having fun exploring the house-it has stairs to climb. I like to sit in front of the cold fireplace under a little table and even stretch right out and sleep! I have two rabbit figurines who sit outside my run. I hear the children next door and there are builders making a noise most days working on the new roof.
Sorry my paw pressed the wrong letter for "gegrees read degrees"
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